Thursday, January 1, 2009

Treasure book 2

hey guys! the new treasure booki is out, the treasure book 2, unfortunately i dont have any toys in NZ so i don't have any pictures, but ill just tell you in words, ok, the first page has a black skullcap and a red and white striped t-shirt,
second page, penguin band hoodie, blue shoes etc.
third page, rescue squad outfit, red sunglasses, orange snowball jacket.
fourth page, medieval clothes.
fifth page, christmas clothes. (old)
sixth page, return of the golden puffle stage play clothes. (you can get them at the stage now if you are a member)
seventh page, sopy gear,example: secret agent suit, glasses, bowtie red club penguin jacket, red and white propeller cap and red sunglasses.
eigth page, superhero stage play clothes. (shadow guy and gamma girl)
and finally ninth page, EXCLUSIVES! AWESOME sunglasses and hoodie! red white and green scarf! etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sound cool dude